When making suggestions on how your peer can improve their writing, be specific. Areas to review are word choice,details used, organization, and topics. This covers the structure of their writing.
The last step in peer editing is corrections. This would include punctuation errors, grammatical mistakes, spelling errors and problems with sentence structure. Be sure to clearly mark the problem areas so the reader will know what needs to be corrected.
Peer editing is a useful process for both you and your peers. You will benefit from reviewing their work and it will create an awareness so you can improve your own writing skills.
I think it's really important to be specific with suggestions! I remember doing peer reviews in high school and being frustrated when my partner would just give broad, generic suggestions. It's a lot more helpful if you tell the other person exactly what to work on, but it's also really important to make sure to do it in a positive way! I agree that it's easier to accept corrections on your work when it's positively critiqued.
ReplyDeleteGood job but you forgot to include links to the videos.