Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Blog Post #9

I enjoyed watching the video of Ms. Cassidy's 1st grade class using technology in the classroom. They discussed using blogs, classroom webpage, wikis, video, skype and nintendo DS.

Ms Cassidy began using technology 10 years ago and she has changed her learning style to accomodate the latest technology trend. One thing that she uses in the classroom is the Blog online portfolio. The benefits of using a blog is teaching collaboration, writing, reading and video skills all on one medium. The blog is a very useful tool for teachers and students in the classroom. She said that kids love it for several reasons. The audience is not just paper for only the teacher to see, but it is open for everyone to view and add comments. She has embedded a blog meister which is a tracking tool to see how many page reads the blog has received. The children are so excited to see if people have viewed their site and left comments. She also has a cluster map that shows where the person is located that viewed the blog.

Although this new technology trend sounds like a great way for children to learn, there are some obstacles that you may encounter. One concern that parents have with technology is allowing the children to have free access to all sites. This can be addressed by limiting what a child will see by setting privacy restrictions. Also, you can post educational links that the children can safely access and explain to them that these are the only links approved for access. It is important to establish and communicate up front, consequences if a child does access sites that are not on the approved list.

Another obstacle that you might encounter is limited computer resources. If that is the case, it is important to schedule time for computer lab and have the children that are not able to access a computer, to have other learning activities and then rotate. Like Ms. Cassidy mentioned in her video, is the buy-in from administrators to allow you to teach using PLN's. Not every school has embraced this new technology and may require some convincing and show of success before they allow you to continue teaching these methods.


  1. Great post! I believe it is very important to set up restrictions on sites that they are not allowed to visit. What you run into with this is that some things slip through the cracks. The teacher that I worked with for my observation hours would set up an application on the iPads that the students could use to do their research. It is surprising the number of teachers that are not wanting to embrace the use of technology in the classroom. I think it takes more that just convincing certain schools to embrace technology, it also takes some convincing of the teachers in the schools.

  2. Ashley, I believe everyone should embrace technology in their classrooms now. At first, I wasn't on board with the "full on" technology in all classrooms, but now I know how big it has become and how essential it is for us to teach our students' using technology. I, also, believe it is important to set up restrictions on sites they shouldn't be visiting. I am in a classroom now, and if they children have finished all their AR testing, then they are able to get on the kindle and play "educational" games... but her students started downloading other games, that had nothing to do with education. Needless to say, she deleted them and told them, if it happened again their would be no kindle for them to play games on for the rest of the year.
    Also, I keep seeing more and more teachers climbing aboard this ongoing "technology train" and it's wonderful! We need more teachers like Mrs. Cassidy, teachers that embrace the beauty of technology.

    Brittney Kent

  3. I really liked the video as well. It was very informative. I also like your last point about obstacles, especially the lack of technology at your disposal. I think we need to keep an open mind as teachers and use what we do have and not worry or complain about what we don't have or think that we should have. I saw one typo right under the picture, there is no period after the "Ms" of Ms. Cassidy. Other than that great post!
